Thursday, 14 January 2016

World's oldest man aged 131 discovered in Brazil (Photos)

A man thought to be the world's oldest man has been discovered by civil servants in Brazil.They say they discovered the 131-year-old dad-of-three living with a wife 69 years his junior.
The Guinness Book of Records recognises 112-year-old Yasutaro Koide from Japan as the oldest person alive.
And Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, who died aged 122 in 1997, holds the record for the world’s longest living person.
Social security workers in Acre in the north of Brazil today  published photos of OAP Joao Coelho de Souza alongside a birth certificate dated March 10 1884.

His daughter Cirlene Souza, aged only 30 which would mean if his age was right that Joao was 101 when she was born, told one paper:
 “He has days when he is lucid but others when he doesn’t even recognise his children.
“He was very small when he came to work in Acre extracting rubber.
“He has been with my mum for more than 40 years and depends on others for everything.”
 Kennedy Afonso is the social security worker who posted photos of Joao and his birth certificate taken by a colleague on his Facebook on January 11.

 I appeal to the state government and the local government in Sena Madureira to determine with the competent bodies whether this is true so they can claim a place in the Guinness Book of Records for the oldest man on the Earth. And he’s from our region.”

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