Freelance reporter Austin Edoho sent in the report. Read below...
Fatimah Ibrahim is a 39 year old widow, a mother of two, from Borno
state. A chanceencounter with her on the street would most certainly
portray her as just one of the thousands of ordinary women walking the
streets of Lagos. But meeting her at a building site would startlingly
reveal the other side of her! This woman is a professional painter,
tiler, and plumber! When asked how and why she entered into professions
dominated by men, she had this to say,
“I have always loved painting .My friend’s husband
who is a painter taught me how to paint, and I started painting even
when my husband was alive. Later, I picked interest in tiling and
plumbing profession, and I went for the training. Right now, after my
husband’s death, I am proud to say I am a professional painter, tiler,
and plumber. To me being a woman doesn’t really matter”
As must be expected, Fatimah is confronted with some challenges which
centers mainly on gender disparity. “It’s been hard getting work. Some
people give me jobs to do, and they are never disappointed; but others
are just reluctant to trust me with their buildings, because they still
find it difficult to believe the fact that a woman can do these jobs,
and even do them better than men
"She called on the public and the government to give her contracts and
test her level of capability. She also stressed that these were her
means of livelihood. “I am a widow. I have two children aged 13 and 9.I
am not begging the public for food, as I have been blessed with the
means of providing for my children. All I am asking if for Individuals,
contractors, Government to give me jobs so I can make money and take
care of my children and other widows who are not so fortunate to have
vocations like mine”
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