Monday, 22 September 2014

No Guy wants a virgin... is it true?


Hi NJ I am a 27 year old lady and I am still a virgin. I actually decided to
remain a virgin until my wedding night because I lost my parents
when I was very young and in order to restrain myself from
becoming wayward I made a vow to myself to remain a virgin until
my wedding night but I am going through a lot of problems
because of that.

No guy wants to stay with me. Immediately I let them know that I
am a virgin, they just run away from me as it is a plague. My
boyfriend just broke up with me last week and his excuse was that
the relationship was just too boring and he can't cope again. That
no guy wants a virgin in this jet age and that prompted me to ask
this question: is it true that no guy wants a virgin in this jet age? ads


  1. They do,he left cos u restricted him from havin sex wit u.the rite man will respect your decisions,so let go of him and kip your pride.

  2. Look @ ur boobs.. And you say you are a virgin.. Abegi!

  3. U already must hv knwn wht the answer to ur question is by now

  4. Yea.. He is getting hits cos of his profile photo.. Claiming to be female.. There's God o!

  5. ur boobs alone has even disvirgined rite b4 u lost ur parient sef,,,,talk more of ur [tin],,,,,,,abeg node talk nonsence here joor,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mumu,,,,I day see d evidence of ur virginity
    for ur boobs

    1. I belief the pix is not that of the lady in question here.

  6. @Blessedchild.. Thank you jareh!!

  7. Hi I understand I will marry u & wait sex is not everything call me asap please 17322778589 Willie

    1. Y she con put dat kind off picture. Con say she b Virgin eeh come na Nigeria u dy no b away 00


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