It's come to our attention that some readers want to communicate with
us, but find the process of leaving a comment a little confusing. If this
is true of you, don't worry: you're not alone. Below is a quick summary
of ways to stay in touch, but let me say two things up front:
•You do not have to be a member of Blogger, Google, or
anything else to leave a comment.
•We love to hear from you! It feels good to know we're
talking to someone.
Here's the how-to:
If you are a Google user (Gmail, Blogger, Google+, etc.) then sign in on
the relevant website if you haven't already, and when you write a
comment your Google account information should come up
automatically below the comment box.
If you are not a Google user, at the bottom of the comment box you will
see "Comment as: Select Profile" which expands to choices of
Google Account,
Open ID (a consolidated
online identity you can use if you belong to a number of sites including
AOL, Yahoo and MySpace).
(If you don't have a Google account then choose ANONYMOUS)
If any of these apply to you, then select and
click "Post comment." You will be asked to identify your username
before the comment is posted, and you should already be signed in on
the relevant site before doing this. If you are a Google user, this is
another way you can sign in.
If you want to be notified when you get an answer to your comment, and
see what others have to say about a post, then click "subscribe by email"
below the comment box. You will receive all comments on that post (not
on every post on the blog) until you unsubscribe by the same method.
If you want to know what's happening on the blog without visiting it, you
can sign up to get posts via email (see top left) or you can use Google
Friend Connect, a service that connects you to other Blogger users.
Facebook users can "like" Grow It Eat It and see teasers for all of our
blog posts there (the same is true of Twitter).
If you read our blog posts
via Facebook, please comment on the blog rather than on Facebook, so
that our blog authors are sure to see your comments (we do not all have
Facebook accounts or watch the blog mirror posts there).
We hope to hear from you! Feel free to make a "test comment" on this
post if you want to try it out. ads
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