Friday, 27 May 2016

This honest girl returned N5,000 back to a bank after a cashier over paid her

The lady tells her story below...

“I just want to share my experience, My name is Vera Ikediala. I worked with Bethelmendels Int’l Ltd as an admin Manager. One morning my Boss gave me a cheque to cash N45,000 at Olowu Ikeja branch of First bank.
The cashier paid me across the counter, in 1000 naira bills. But because I was in a hurry I did not count the amount.
So when I got to the office I handed the money straight to my boss who counted it and discovered that it was N50,000, instead of N45,000. That means the cashier had over paid me with excess of N5,000. Immediately I went back to the bank to hand over the N5,000 back to the cashier. When I got to the bank, it was obvious the cashier had not noticed her error in payment. I had to explain to her what happened. She was indeed over joyed and thanked me profusely. But what shocked me was that the guy closed to me on queue, who overheard our conversation interjected; “ if I was the one, I would not have returned that money lai lai”. He continued; “ babe you fall my hand. Do you know what N5,000 would do for you”
I did not bother to reply him anyway. For me, I had done the needful Many people might think this testimony is trivial. But let me tell you, that dishonesty is dishonesty. Somebody who keeps N5,000 that does not belong to him would as well keep N5 billion. I am sharing this experience so that many of us would understand that if we show honesty in the little things we do daily, collectively we could rid this country of corruption. I had a an opportunity to keep the N5,000 to myself. My conscience and upbringing won’t allow me. There was no way the cashier would traced the money to me. But God sees all that we do. If I had kept the money the cashier would pay for her error in great pains. But of what good would that be to me? Have a great day...

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