On Thursday momager Kris Jenne, invited her 28-year-old recluse son Rob
Kardashian to her home in Hidden Hills, CA, amid the ongoing family feud
and guess who he took along...Blac Chyna.
Rob Kardashian became the star of the Kardashian family this week after news broke he was dating Blac Chyna, who is Tyga's former fiancée and baby mama.
Tyga is 'maybe' still dating Kylie who is Rob's younger sister. The new couple was seen on their way to the meeting in a black Bentley. More photos after the cut...
Rob Kardashian became the star of the Kardashian family this week after news broke he was dating Blac Chyna, who is Tyga's former fiancée and baby mama.
Tyga is 'maybe' still dating Kylie who is Rob's younger sister. The new couple was seen on their way to the meeting in a black Bentley. More photos after the cut...
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