This is the incredible street fight that saw an Irish tourist take on an
entire mob of angry Turkish shopkeepers - and win. In the footage -
reminiscent of a Kung Fu film - the locals swarm around theholidaymaker, attacking him with chairs and wooden poles. But he is more
than a match for them, ducking their blows before landing some knock
out punches of his own.
started in İstanbul's Aksaray district when the big Irishman opened a
shop fridge and all the bottles of water spilled out into the street.
The shopkeeper took offence and hit him with a stick after the situation
escalated, reports Today's Zaman. Dozens of neighbouring shop owners
then steam in to help - but unluckily for them, their victim is a
trained boxer.
At one point, realising he is in for a proper scrap, he takes his
sunglasses off and puts them on top of his head so he can take care of
Harrying the gang with kicks and punches, he hits one attacker in the
face so hard the man goes straight down - and later looks like he is
being sick in the street.
Eventually the shopkeepers got the message - and may think again before attacking a tourist.
Source: UK Mirror
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