Saturday, 23 May 2015

British woman has world's most scientifically beautiful face

Everyone's definition of beauty is different, but when it comes to science it is all about the measurements! A British competition decided to look for the most naturally beautiful face in the country that fits the measurements of being symmetrical. And an 18-year-old student won!
Florence Colgate is a Dover Grammar student with blonde hair and blue eyes but that's not why she
won the competition.

According to Daily Mailconsidering that the most attractive woman would have pupils just half the width of her face from ear to ear, Colgate almost foots the bill by scoring a 44 percent ratio.

Science also says the most attractive woman's distance between her eyes and mouth is a little over a third of the measurement between her hair line and chin. Colgate's ratio is 32.8 percent. Plus her face is almost perfectly symmetrical.
So because she won the competition, she will go to a London modeling agency to get her picture taken for billboards and posters for Superdrug stores that will appear across the country. ads

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