Saturday, 25 April 2015

I think my boyfriend is sleeping with his step-sister

From a female  reader...
I started dating this man in December last year and now I am sure my suspicions are at least 80% correct. He has this sister who is extremely jealous and always tries to prevent me from seeing him whenever I come to visit. She talks like a jealous ex and it took other family members to convince me she really was my boyfriend's sister and notgirlfriend. One time I heard them arguing over my staying overnight at their home, like why does she care? He lives with her and another brother in a flat in Surulere. One day, I went to see him and it took over 10mins for him to open the door for me. His eyes were red and he looked like he had just finished having sex but the only person in the house with him was his sister. When she saw me, she didn't greet me and told my boyfriend not to take me to his room which he didn't. They share the same father but not same mother. I think I am right that they are lovers but how do I confront them?

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