Saturday, 26 April 2014

PQSUARE IS BACK AND BETTER! the okoye brothers comfirms.


Isn't this AWESOME! am soo filled with joy rightnow, that the devil failed to succeed on the mission to destroy what the okoye brothers took years to build.

Yall know i "NJ" sang and dedicated a TRIBUTE SONG to their sweet mum when she passed on
So everyone knows am a very big fan, infact am their no.1 fan, and so i have getting calls from some of their fans who watched the my TRIBUTE VIDEO on youtube, asking questions and telling me how devastated they have become since the news about psquare splitting hit them. And i end up telling them "GUYS NA PRAYER WE GO DEY PRAY FOR DIS GUYS" because we don't need no one telling us its the devil at work.

But i thank God the drammer is over. And the kings are Back, not just back, but Better.
See what paul's wife tweeted below
God really answers prayer,
So guys lets expect some Good tunes from Psquare soon. ads

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